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Reach your
happy weight

I hear the same struggles from women time and again.

When they reach their 40’s and 50’s they can’t shift the weight no matter how little they eat or how much exercise they do.

Does this sound like you?

You're confused about what foods you should and shouldn't be eating.

you really struggle to lose weight yet can put it on easily.

You've tried every diet and weight loss club going and only lose a pound or two.

you've tried counting calories and it just doesn't work anymore, despite your dedication and willpower.

You suspect your issues could be hormonal and don't know what to chanGE.

The ‘midlife’ years can be a challenge for all sorts of different reasons and, yes, weight loss is harder. I want you to know that it’s not your fault. And I’m not saying that to be nice, because we just met. Really. It’s your hormones that keep you stuck or piling on the pounds.


The rules are different when it comes to weight loss once you’re over 40, that’s for sure. But losing weight, regaining your energy, getting back to your best is possible with the right nutrition programme, and coaching support along the way.

Knowing what to eat is only the half it though, having the support and the accountability to put it into action is where the magic is. That’s why I created my 12-week signature Rebalance programme to provide you with the nutrition programme and coaching support to make it happen. 

I am a Nutritionist based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, but covid has shown us that most things work remotely too, so we can work together no matter where you are in my virtual online clinic.

Personal Diary

Book your complimentary mini-consultation

Discover how to get control over your hormones, lose weight and feel like your best self again with the right nutrition programme. You have it within you to make these changes, though it can be hard on your own. I am here to help you.

My Rebalance programme is ideal for you if you would like to:



jump off the dieting rollercoaster 


learn a new way of eating for this time in your life 


never starve yourself or feel hungry all the time


fit into your clothes and look amazing

We work together over a 12-week programme, as in my experience this gives you the best support to make sustainable and long-term changes. If you’re looking for a quick fix or a one-off appointment then I am not the nutritionist for you.

1:1 consultations

Personal consultations for busy women who want to get control over their hormones, lose weight, feel more energetic and get back to their best selves.

Glasses and Notebook

Download your free e-book

The Secret to Weight Loss in your 40's and Beyond

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